Jonathan Watkins



University of Michigan

Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning
Masters of Architecture, April 2017

Washington University in St. Louis

Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Art
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Double Major in Sculpture and Philosophy, May 2011


Akoaki Architecture & Design, Detroit, Michigan

Project Manager/ Lead Designer                                                                                                                                  Jun 2016 - Current

Designer / project manager for Detroit Institute of Art, Midtown Cultural Connection urban design competition. Responsible for schematic design of multiple architectural interventions, presentation boards and 3’ site model. Managed an international team of landscape architects, artists, and urban planners.

Spearheaded design of scenographic Detroit Creative Council architectural threshold, a 21’ nomadic arch. Project leader from initial conception through fabrication in Detroit and France. Skills utilized include historical research, design conception, advanced 3D modeling and prototyping.

Research assistant and designer on multi-year project for the Oakland Avenue Urban Farm. Prepared materials for grant applications, researched zoning ordinance for proposed governmental backed planning district, interfaced with community members and built 20’ site plan model.

Orchestrated exhibitions: Vitra Design Museum, 2018 Architectural League Prize and 2017 Saint Etienne Biennale.

University of Michigan

Graduate Student Instructor                                                                                                                                       Sept 2016 - Jan 2017

Responsible for a 20 student section of architecture and urban design graduate students critically investigating global systems and their impact on the architectural and urban scale. Duties included: preparation of materials supporting lectures, leading class discussions, facilitating student meetings, grading and record maintenance. Supported students who had difficulty with the demanding coursework and enabled timely professor interventions.

Scholastic, Young Artist and Writer Awards, New York, NY

National Awards Assistant                                                                                                        Jun 2015 - July 2015; Feb 2013 - July 2013

Assisted in the processing of national awards for two thousand winners of the Scholastic Young Artist and Writing Awards. Responsibilities included; interaction with parents and students and maintaining consistent records across multiple databases

Keiko Miyamori, Brooklyn, NY

Studio Assistant                                                                                                                                                             Jun 2012 - Jan 2013

Assisted in the precision fabrication of cast resin sculptures; involving mixing and pouring of two part plastic.

New York Center for Law and Justice, New York, NY

Legal Assistant/Intern                                                                                                                                                    Jun 2012 - Jan 2013

Researched and analyzed New York State insurance law. Researched and wrote grant for New York Center for Law and Justice.


Awards and Exhibits

Night Fever. Designing Club Culture 1960 – Today  (Akoaki)

Night Fever Model. Vitra Museum, Weil am Rhein, Germany                                                                                                Exhibition: March September 2018 

Detroit Design 139

Project selected to participate in Detroit Design 139, a public exhibition on the future of housing in Detroit.                         Project was one of 6 selected out of 40.
September 2017

Working Premise (Akoaki)

Biennale International Design Saint Etienne, France. Out of Site. 
March - April 9th 2017

University of Michigan Student Show

Selected for two consecutive years to particitapte in the end of year show displaying graduate work.                                  Show is judged by alumni. 
March 2017, March 2016

University City Sculpture Seiries

Recived comission from University City, MO. to produce a public sculpture.                                                                      Sculpture was completed on time and under budget. Jan 2010



Software | Rhino 3D modeling for design, physical models, 3D printing, and renderings; V-Ray, AutoCAD, Revit Adobe Creative Suite, Final Cut, After Affects, Premier, Materialize Magics, Lightscape, Ecotech, DIVA for Rhino, ArcGIS

Modality | Presentation models, Full scale prototyping, 3D Printing, Vacuum Forming, Wood Working, Fine art